I have been creating art since I could hold a pencil. It often got me into trouble in school. Much of my schoolwork was bordered with doodles and drawings, not asked for by the teacher. My professional career as an artist has been met with barriers and disappointments. I am sure I am not the only one. As an individual on this Earth, I have seen many things. Incredible beauty, joy and pain. As any artist, I have stories to tell. Some of my stories are so abstract with basis in reality, it is hard to tell where the truth really lies. I believe so much of our TRUTH, really LIES. What we have been taught may not actually be real.

My work is drawn from my studies in ancient civilizations, ancient and modern technology and the psychology of mankind. We know this reality because it's where we live. It's what we are taught. But...maybe there is more here than we have been shown. Would you teach a 4 year old how to use a chain saw? Or advanced mathematics? Maybe the Creators or God, sought not  to give us fledglings  things that we might hurt ourselves with. Maybe we have been given just enough to advance our consciousness forward or to send us back to the drawing board.